
BOOM Patrol - Arcade-style Tank Battling Action!

Created by Curt Covert

Crush buildings, find power-ups and make things go BOOM!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Pledge Manager Open!
8 days ago – Thu, Oct 10, 2024 at 01:07:37 PM

Hey there backers!

Guess what?! The pledge manager is finally ready, and surveys have started going out to backers this week! 

We have teamed up with Backerkit for the pledge manager, so be on the lookout for an email to complete your Boom Patrol pledge manager in Backerkit. 

If you do not receive an email, click here to retrieve your survey:

What is a Pledge Manager?

For those who haven't backed a Kickstarter before, you may be wondering what a Pledge Manager is. It is where we collect shipping fees, shipping addresses, and applicable taxes. You can also select any add-ons in the pledge manager. 

The pledge manager will be open until November 20. 

This gives you a little over a month to complete your pledge manager, select add-ons, and pay for shipping and applicable taxes. 

Thank you all for your support and for your patience while we set up and prepared this pledge manager. 

Thank you for your support and your patience!

-Curt, Gaeton, and team!

Quick Update
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 12, 2024 at 09:16:38 PM

Hey Armored Sport Fans

Just a quick update. We have been finalizing all the art and print files for the game, giving the rules a final shakedown and finishing up the box as well. I need to get my photo of the components from my photographer for the shot on the back of the box and that should be wrapped up. All is looking pretty good.

Meanwhile, we should have the Pledge Manager open in a couple days. Awaiting the last shipping costs to be verified and plugged in. So, you should see an update probably next week directing you to the PM to plug in your address and finalize your pledge.

We will then send all the files to the printer and start production in earnest. I will be able to show you some digital proofs and the final mock ups for approval. But that is probably in November. The goal is to have everything ship from China before Chinese New Year and we are confident we will make that happen.

Anyway, that's all for now - and look for our next update about the PM soon. - Curt

Thank you, from all of us.
3 months ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 10:24:09 AM

Backers, friends and armored sportsfans,

A warm thank you to all who supported this game. As you know, this project held a special place in my heart, and indeed in many of yours, because it was the last collaboration Nicole and Anthony worked on together. It was important to me, throughout the development process to keep as much of Anthony in the game as possible, even as we shifted some thematics, art and mechanics - and with each such shift, doing a check in with Nicole. 

I have been so thrilled to see the collaboration of so many people who helped make the game what it is today. Leah Furhman, with her wonderful characters - and her ability to seamlessly blend and embellish Anthony's art in a way that truly honors his style and aesthetics. Gaeton Dragone, who stepped in and showcased his development chops and helped push the concept of armored arena sports to the hilt to fantastic effect. Nicole Amato, co-designer - and joyful-hearted cheerleader, who helped shape the final design, welcomed our input and let us know we were headed in the right direction, despite it being a bittersweet reminder. To all our play testers over the years, who helped define areas for growth - including my high school mentee, Daniel Florin, who came up with "Payday" and his fun captain's ability. And to you, for supporting us.

And yes, I can't leave things undone - so I unlocked all the content, despite coming well shy of where I'd hoped we arrive. So, all of this WILL in fact be in the game. 


We keep in touch. 

We will post an update at least once a month, even if we don't have any exciting news, to keep you informed every step of the way from production to fulfillment. It should be no surprise that printing a game is a long process, so thanks for all of your patience upfront as we leap all the hurdles it takes.

Pledge Manager

We are beginning work on the pledge manager and intend to have it ready to go before the end of this month. Late Pledges are available now, here on Kickstarter thanks to a new feature of the platform.

If you're new to Kickstarter, you may ask 'What is a Pledge Manager?'

The pledge manager is how we will collect your shipping addresses and shipping fees, as well VAT fees (where applicable). 

We will post an update when we are opening the pledge manager, and we will also give you notice when it is nearing time to close the pledge manager (traditionally, this happens when production is nearing completion). 

BTW... If you plan on attending Gen Con next week, be sure to stop by the Smirk & Dagger booth (#429) to say hi. I will have our prototype of BOOM Patrol on display and so much more! This is our largest show ever in a 20x40 island, with 8 new products for sale, including some special surprises. Like this chonky piece of floof!

Hope to see you soon, 

Curt, Gaeton, Nicole & the rest of the team

Final Hours - and the Winning Name!
3 months ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 04:16:21 PM

Hello backers

It's the Final Hours - and time to jump in if you haven't already!!

My sincere thanks to everyone who has already supported this great game. I know Nicole has been very touched by all your kind words and for helping make this game a reality. In the end, I don't know that we will make the final stretch before close tonight at midnight, but then, I don't know if I can leave the final vision of the game undone either. The final contribution to that total may be my own. 

And yeah, if you are waiting in the wings - give it another thought. It's the cost of a burger and a beer. And that's something you enjoy just once.  : ) 

Now, without further ado...


RIGHT! We reached out this week with a challenge to name one of our Tank Captains and saw a lot of very creative, fun ideas from everyone. Gaeton and I spend a good hour or more going through and evaluating. After a bit of back and forth, and a small heated debate, we made a decision.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Sportsfans one and all, meet the new Challenger!


What can we say, we're suckers for a good pun / clever word play. Hahahaha. 

Well, let's see what the next few hours bring - and I will be back around midnight to sign off! Til then, "Don't just make an entrance, make things go BOOM!"

Not Just a BLAST, but chock full of "Strategery," too!
3 months ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 05:41:43 PM

Hey Backers!

Okay, we are closing in on our end date - and things have been picking up. Let's see how far we can push before tomorrow at midnight!

WINNING Strategies!

Yes, there are dice involved in your attacks - so you are still at their whim. That doesn't mean you can't approach the game with a game plan. Here are some things to consider:

The Gold Gambit: Sure, destroying a tank is worth two medals. No is disputing the power of that, but gold - if you can find it and hold onto it - is often the difference between victory and defeat. You can find gold bars by rolling into buildings or grabbing it from wrecked tanks. But the Clocktower holds a secret vault. Early in the game, maybe take those first shots at the tower. You won't be destroying a tank in one shot, just softening it up for someone else potentially. So aim at the big target at the center of the map. The 3rd crit on the tower scores a Medal right there - and when it flips to be the Vault, it starts dispensing a Gold bar to anyone in close range - and another Gold if you are closest to it at the end of a round. At that point Gold is more reliably gained - and every three you cash in is a Medal. Some Captain even specialize in this strategy.

Don't be where they expect: If you sit still with two other tanks surrounding you, its a recipe for disaster. Break expectations, move in a direction they didn't expect. And use their tanks and any permanent buildings and the Clocktower to storm across the field. The MOVE OFF rules state that if you overlap a permanent object, you have to keep moving straight forward until you are no longer touching it. Properly aimed, you could crush an opponent's tank, MOVE OFF onto a Bunker, MOVE OFF onto the Clocktower, and MOVE OFF halfway across the arena, where you are no longer in range, maybe even finding power ups along your way. Stay nimble.

Out of Bounds Bonus: With a choice of two shots, always choose a tank within a card from the edge of the battlefield. If you hit them for damage, you'll not only score Glory for each icon of damage you assign to them, but when their tank is kicked back it will be forced out of bounds - with is worth another two Glory!

Attack More Often: In the end, those two Medals for destroying tanks are the quickest way to a win. If a tank has even one Crit, give em all you got. Fire Away! and Again will deliver two attacks. Some Captains have sneaky ways of getting a third attack in - USE THEM! And if you are close enough for a ramming attack, that not only does a die of damage, but likely puts you outside of their firing arc and into safety. And roll over a Bunker at every chance to get an Ammo token - for a free shot.

Crush them Buildings!: The power-ups in this game are all in the buildings. Sure, running blind into them runs a small risk of a few hazards, but the benefits outweigh the risks. Gear cards you find become permanent enhancements to your tank. Air Drop could place you instantly anywhere on the field - including directly behind an enemy at point blank range. Super Charge lets you set a 4th Command card - which you activate before initiative draw. The Accelerator bounces shots and recalculates range. These are super powerful and well worth revealing whenever you have a chance.

I hope these insights help your crew score those Medals and become crowd favorites and the most celebrated Tank Captains in the history of armored sports!

Tomorrow we will be selecting a name for our Fishy friend - so get your ideas in soon!
